There are many different reasons your Boston Terrier may be shaking. Some of these reasons are completely harmless and a normal part of your dog’s daily routine, but some may be a sign of a serious health issue. It is important for Boston Terrier owners to be able to identify whether the reason their dog is shaking is normal or abnormal.
To help you determine whether your dog’s shaking is something to worry about or not, read this vet-written guide.
The 10 Reasons Why Your Boston Terrier Is Shaking So Much
1. Cold
Boston Terriers do not have very thick coats so they may be prone to becoming cold very quickly, especially in colder climates. If the temperature has dropped or is unusually cold, and you notice this is when your dog starts shaking, it might be that they are trying to warm themselves up. If so, you can put a dog coat on them or move them to a warmer area.
2. Excitement
Some dogs can physically shake when they are really excited. Boston Terriers are especially excitable. They may quiver and shake when they see their owner or another dog they like to play with. They may have seen you pick up their favorite toy or start getting their food ready. If they are only shaking when something exciting is happening, it is likely that this is the reason, and it is perfectly normal behavior.
3. Anxiety
Your Boston Terrier may be shaking because they are anxious. If your Boston Terrier feels threatened or stressed by something, they can start to shake or tremble in response.
Some dogs have a nervous disposition and react to things in their environment. Common sources of anxiety for dogs include loud unpredictable noises, for example, fireworks or thunderstorms, and separation anxiety.
4. Old Age
As your Boston Terrier gets older, they are more likely to encounter age-related issues. Some of these issues may cause shaking. Things like muscle weakness and joint pain are common causes of shaking in older Boston Terriers. Your vet will be able to determine if your dog’s shaking is likely an age-related issue or something else that needs to be addressed.
5. Pain
Your Boston Terrier may be experiencing pain or discomfort, and this can make them shake or tremble. They may have injured themselves or have a chronic issue that is hurting them in some way. Boston Terriers are prone to having orthopedic problems such as spinal issues or luxating patella (where the kneecap moves out of its original place in the knee joint). These can cause pain and discomfort and may make them shake.
6. Illnesses
There are some diseases that can cause shaking in Boston Terriers. One of these is canine distemper virus. Other causes include:
7. Ear Problems
Some dogs can have an ear infection or a foreign body in their ear. Either of these can cause your dog to shake their head and shiver or tremble. They may hold their head at a funny angle and suddenly start to jerk about and shake.
8. Seizure Activity
Your Boston Terrier may be experiencing a seizure or seizure-like activity. Shaking and trembling may be the first sign of a seizure developing, or it may be the actual seizure occurring. Seizures can have serious health consequences, so it is very important to seek veterinary attention if you think your dog has experienced one.
9. Exposure to Toxins
There are lots of things that your Boston Terrier may eat that are poisonous or toxic to them. One very common sign of toxin ingestion is shaking or trembling. If you think your dog may have eaten something they weren’t supposed to and they start to shake, contact your vet immediately.
Depending on the time frame, it may be possible for your vet to make your dog vomit to bring the toxin back up, or they may be able to give some other medication to prevent the toxin from being absorbed.
Common toxins your Boston Terrier may ingest include:
If you are concerned about your dog being exposed to something poisonous, you can also contact the Pet Poison Helpline.
10. Temperature Too High (Hyperthermia)
If your Boston Terrier has a high fever, has overexerted themselves or just overheated due to hot weather, they may experience shaking. This is a life-threatening emergency. If they are too hot and they cannot cool themselves down, this can quickly lead to multiple organ failure. You must take your dog to your vet immediately if this occurs.
How to Help Your Boston Terrier If They Are Shaking
There are a few different things you can do to help your Boston Terrier if they are shaking. Bear in mind this does depend on the underlying cause of the shaking. You will need to have your dog checked over by your vet before you try anything at home as it is very important that your vet rules out any serious health problems that could be the source of the shaking.
Once your vet has confirmed there is no underlying illness there are a few different things you can try.
Boston Terriers shake for many different reasons. Usually, the reason is harmless and does not require any dramatic intervention. You can gain clues as to why they are shaking by paying attention to their immediate environment and the situation they are in, for example, a cold climate or an exciting social occasion.
There are some situations where shaking can be a sign of a serious health issue. This is why it is important to get your dog checked out by your vet, especially if you notice them suddenly start shaking out of the blue or there are other alarming clinical signs you have noted.
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